It's almost that terrible time of year... finals. I'm going to share my study tips with you guys! Keep in mind that these might not work for you because everyone learns differently!
1. Start studying a few days earlier. I know, I know. I sound like your teacher. But trust me, if you study the day before the test you're not going to remember anything but if you study a few days before then by the time you take your test, you'll already know everything and you'll be calm.
2. Find what works for you. If you're a visual learner then find a way to learn visually, like through flashcards. If you learn through audio then go on YouTube and look for a video. Just find what works for you! For me, I have to write to study.
3. Take breaks. When I say take breaks I don't mean study for five minutes and then rest for thirty (note that I am extremely guilty of this). I mean make sure to take breaks that way you'll keep yourself focused.
4. Make a summary. Try to summarize everything you've learned that's going to be on the test. It'll make a great study guide and it'll be a great way to see if you know what you're studying.
5. Get some zzz's. Self-explanatory. You don't want to fall asleep during your test.
6. Have some breakfast. You don't want your tummy to be growling during your test.
7. Having a hard time focusing because of outside noises? Listen to calm music. It'll keep you focused.
Still worried about finals? Here's some pics that help me.
Now if you don't like Ryan Gosling then those pictures might not work for you... Oh wait, who am I kidding? Everyone loves Ryan.
Good luck on your finals!